🧹 Decluttering our stories
We create words, images, or slides to serve our story. But sometimes the purpose of that content was just to help us understand our story.

🍌 Be the Banana
Redundancy —in packaging or in storytelling— is neither elegant nor sustainable. Be the banana, not the banana bag.

🔀 Where there’s a will there’s a way…to buy your product or service.
So speak to the will, and show the way.

Why does storytelling matter more for climate startups?
Countless brilliant people are working on exquisite solutions for the biggest problem humanity has ever faced. And most of those solutions are quietly sitting in a lab or an office somewhere.

How to Make a Pitch Deck: Slide Titles
In this 2-minute video, I’ll show you some of the basics of how to make use of your slide titles to make an impactful, clear, professional pitch deck.
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