September 2022 Workshop Series

Storytelling for Climate Startups

It can be hard to communicate what you do in a simple way, whether you’re talking to a prospect, an investor, a mentor, or even a family member.

I’m putting together a series of classes and peer workshops to help you speak, write, and pitch effectively. So that every introduction, every casual chat, and every pitch becomes a brilliant opportunity to grow your company.

You’ll come away with…

  • Clarity on what you’re saying

  • A “blurb” to send to investors, partners, and press

  • Confidence in knowing what to include and what to scrap in your pitch deck

This is for you if…

  • people struggle to understand what you do

  • you feel like you’re stumbling when you tell people what you do

  • your pitches haven’t been landing

You could be missing out on fundraising opportunities

if your storytelling isn’t rock solid.

Let’s get that dialed in.

The Deets

  • September 19-30 2022

  • 8-12 people

  • $250

  • 2 weeks

  • 4 90-minute workshops

  • Live Classes + Q/As + Recordings

Secure your spot now

Climate Founders Fall Cohort